Aviation Cocktail Recipe

The Aviation cocktail is a timeless classic, first crafted in the early 20th century by Hugo Ensslin, a bartender at the Hotel Wallick in New York. Known for its pale sky-blue hue, this elegant drink combines gin, maraschino liqueur, and fresh lemon juice. Traditionally, it also includes crème de violette, which gives it its signature color and floral undertone. The Aviation is a beautiful balance of tartness and sweetness, making it a sophisticated choice for gin lovers.


  • 2 oz Gin

  • 1/2 oz Maraschino liqueur

  • 1/4 oz Crème de violette (optional but traditional)

  • 3/4 oz Fresh lemon juice

  • Ice (for shaking)

  • Brandied cherry (for garnish)


  1. Chill the Glass: Begin by chilling a coupe or martini glass, either by filling it with ice water or placing it in the freezer.

  2. Mix Ingredients: In a cocktail shaker, combine the gin, maraschino liqueur, crème de violette (if using), and fresh lemon juice.

  3. Shake: Add ice to the shaker and shake vigorously for 10-15 seconds until well-chilled.

  4. Strain: Empty the ice water from the glass (if using), and strain the cocktail into the glass using a fine strainer to remove any ice shards.

  5. Garnish: Garnish with a brandied cherry.

  6. Serve: Serve immediately and enjoy the vibrant, floral flavors of this classic cocktail!


  • Crème de Violette: If you want the authentic version with the beautiful blue hue, include crème de violette. However, if you don’t have it, the cocktail is still delicious without it.

  • Gin Selection: A London dry gin works wonderfully in this cocktail, but feel free to experiment with different gin styles, such as floral or citrus-forward varieties, to tweak the flavor profile.

  • Maraschino Liqueur: This cherry-flavored liqueur can be quite potent, so stick to the recipe’s measurements to avoid overpowering the cocktail.

  • Fresh Lemon Juice: Just like with any citrus cocktail, fresh lemon juice will make a big difference in flavor. Always squeeze it fresh for the best results.

  • Serve Immediately: The Aviation is best enjoyed fresh and chilled, so serve it as soon as it's ready!

This vintage cocktail is perfect for anyone looking for a delicate, floral, and slightly tart gin cocktail. Enjoy your journey into the sky-blue world of the Aviation!

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